EDITOR’S NOTE: The Baptist Message provides churches an opportunity to share with other Louisiana
Baptists an upcoming revival, homecoming, new pastor, new staff member, a community
outreach, or a concert in Louisiana Notables. To place your event in the paper, send your information
(who, what, where, when, time) to philip@baptistmessage.com or call 318.449.4345. Please submit your information four weeks prior to the event to insure placement in the Message.
Marty Black is the Director of Missions for the Concord-Union Baptist Association.
Robert Grafton is the new worship leader at the First Baptist Church, Bernice
Bayou Macon Baptist Associational: Senior Adult Revival, February 24-26, 2025, 10 a.m. with a
meal served after. Guest Speaker: Ron Burch. Worship Leader: Mark Lanier. February 24, Trinity
Baptist Church; February 25, First Baptist Oak Grove; February 28, First Baptist Church Kilbourne.
Searcy Baptist Church, Trout: LaSalle Parish Rally, February 1, 2 p.m. Pastor: Steve Jensen.
ReFirst Baptist Church, Haynesville: Spring revival, February 2-5, 2025, Evangelist: Sam Moore.
Pastor: Rob Burns.
Bellevue Baptist Church, Jena: Spring Revival, February 2-5, Evangelist: Scotty McDowell. Pastor:
Dustin Robertson.
First Baptist Church, Haughton: Harvest Day, February 9, 2025. Pastor: Gevan Spinney.
Philadelphia Baptist Church, Horseshoe Drive Campus, Alexandria: March 1-2, 2025. Evangelist:
Bill Britt. Pastor: Stuart Sasser.
Sweetwater Baptist Church, Quitman: Spring Revival, March 5-7, 2025. Evangelist: Bill Britt.
Pastor: Wilton Wall.
First Baptist Church, Gilbert: Spring Revival, March 9-12, 2025. Evangelist: Bill Britt. Pastor: Bubba Ezell.
West Ouachita Crusade, West Monroe: Spring Crusade, March 20-April 2, 2025. The Crusade will take place at West Ouachita High School. Evangelist: Bill Britt.
First Baptist Church, Tullos: Spring Revival, February 16-19, 2025, 7 p.m. nightly. Worship: Mark Lanier. Pastor: Scott Smith.
New Hope Baptist Church, Crowville: Harvest Sunday, February 23, 2025, 10:30 a.m. Worship:
Mark Lanier. Pastor:
Epps Baptist Church, Epps: Mark Lanier, February 23, 2025, 6 p.m. Pastor: Eddie Fuller.