By LCNews Staff
PINEVILLE, La. (LCNews) – Louisiana College President Rick Brewer has announced changes to the rescheduled graduation set for Aug. 8 in response to the ongoing COVID-19 concerns. His statement is published in its entirety below.
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Following much consideration and the latest announcement by Gov. John Bel Edwards on the resurgence in COVID-19 cases in the state, I have made the decision to cancel Louisiana College 2020 commencement exercises that had been rescheduled for Aug. 8.
This was one of the most difficult decisions I have had to make in my time as LC president, and it was made with much prayer and thoughtful consideration for the safety of our graduates and their families, as well as LC faculty and staff.
To our graduates, please accept my sincere apologies that your time at Louisiana College ended the way it did. Don’t let this diminish the many accomplishments you made.
We will hold a virtual ceremony honoring both undergraduate and graduate program students Aug. 8 at 10 a.m. I am asking all graduates to send a photograph in their cap and gown to Jennifer Dykes ( for inclusion in the virtual ceremony. Each student should include his or her name with the photo, which must be emailed no later than Aug. 4.
Graduates and their families may view the virtual ceremony at:
This link will also be posted on LC’s website and social media sites for anyone who would like to virtually attend.
Again, Wildcats, all of us at Louisiana College are so proud of the men and women you have become, and we look forward to hearing about your future accomplishments in your chosen career paths and for the Kingdom for Christ.
Keep Pressing On!
Rick Brewer, PhD, MBA
President & CEO
Professor of Management
Louisiana College