By Brian Blackwell, Message Staff Writer
BLANCHARD (LBM) – On a day when the nation faced uncertainty from the pandemic of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), members of the First Baptist Church in Blanchard witnessed the hope found in Christ with the baptism of four new converts on March 15.
Andrew Roe, 18, was among those who shared their testimony of belief through baptism that day,and one of nine believers baptized by the congregation in 2020. He professed his faith in Christ during a church-wide revival that saw 100 people turn to Christ, Feb. 16-21.
His dad, Jamie Roe, was given the honor of baptizing Andrew, and described the moment as emotional.
“I cried like a baby when I did it,” the father told the Baptist Message. “I was so happy when we trusted God and we had worship that day. It does give us a sense of hope, knowing that Jesus is still in the saving business.”
Pastor Clay Fuqua credits prayer as a factor for the Holy Spirit moving during the revival, which drew as many as 211 worshipers for one of the sessions.
During the month prior to the revival, the congregation participated in 21 days of prayer, and fasted every Thursday. Additionally, they received a daily text message as a reminder about the prayer emphasis, and participated in a devotional that was posted on the church website.
Additionally, in the weeks leading up to the event, Fuqua focused his messages on the power and importance of revival, and challenged each member to write on index cards the names of lost family members, friends and others they wanted to accept Christ.
“We prayed with a burden for lost people and for us individually to be on fire for God,” Fuqua said. “And we prayed for a fresh fire in our lives, which God delivered.”
The passion for the lost has not waned for the congregation, which averages between 300 and 400 on Sunday mornings.
Louisiana Baptist Evangelism and Church Growth Team Director Keith Manuel led a training session for the FAITH evangelism program, and 25 teams immediately signed up to participate.
Fuqua said that the teams, which totaled 100 people, have seen three people turn to Christ since the program began March 1. Moving forward, church leadership will offer FAITH evangelism training online.
“This fires me up because evangelism and discipleship are my heartbeat,” Fuqua said. “Their excitement is going to be contagious and I can’t wait to see how the Lord uses our members to further the Gospel in Blachard.”