Greetings, Louisiana Baptists.
Whether you believe that decisions regarding the Coronavirus Disease 2019, COVID-19, are disproportionate to the real threat or believe that not enough actions are being taken, you have to agree that these are unprecedented times. Whether we see widespread outbreak in Louisiana is yet to be known, but the likelihood we will see effects, both economic and life disruption, are almost certain.
Your state missions staff are monitoring information on a daily and even hourly basis. We have not cancelled any events as of this writing with the exception of BCM events in the New Orleans area. One of our commitments to our churches is to be a resource provider. We want to be available to our churches to provide the best information and best practices as they are released.
LifeWay has prepared a thorough, helpful, free resource that can assist you and your church to prepare in case the coronavirus spreads across the state: You can also visit the government site,, for additional information.
Here are some common sense suggestions we’ve pulled together for your consideration:
In addition, let us share our most pressing prayer concerns with you:
Finally, let me encourage us to be patient with one another. Don’t ridicule someone for a decision you might disagree with. A different decision than you might make does not mean that a person is filled with fear and not trusting God. We are all trying to make the most responsible decisions given our context and facts as we know them.
We will get to the other side of this crisis.
But for now, this is a good time to remind myself and you of my favorite Scripture. Revelation 19:6 says, “Hallelujah, the Lord God, Almighty reigns!”
No matter my circumstances, He reigns!
Praying for you,
Steve Horn
Executive Director
Louisiana Baptists