By LCNews
PINEVILLE, (LCNews) — Louisiana College’s inaugural Spring chapel on Jan. 16 featured Kevin Flattmann, student pastor at Cypress Baptist Church, Benton.
In a sermon drawn from Mark 14:3-9 and titled “Sorry, I’m Devoted,” Flattmann challenged the LC family to avoid “cruise control” because “God did not call us to be a chump, but to be a champ.”
Flattmann explained that a Christian becomes a champ “when you begin to truly live your life more devoted to God. You’ll find more victory coming in your life.” He said devotion starts in your heart and radiates through your home, love, sacrifice, worship, and love for the Gospel.
“Before I met Jesus my name was Loser, but Jesus Christ wrote his name on my life and made me a winner,” Flattmann said. “And no matter what is going on in your life, there is always victory in Christ, but that begins and ends with devotion to Jesus.”