Fellow Patriots,
Yesterday was a great day for our state and for our country. ????????
On behalf of all Louisianians, I had the distinct honor of welcoming President Trump to our state and thanking him for making and keeping America great.
I started the day by greeting the President as he stepped off Air Force One.
To make sure President Trump knows that Louisianians are behind him, our campaign put up a billboard welcoming him.
During his fantastic speech, the President graciously mentioned our close work together.
I spoke to FOX Business about how the President’s policies of cutting taxes and returning power back to the people are working for our country.
President Trump’s agenda of lowering taxes, supporting our families, and bringing back quality jobs has put our country on the right track after years of liberal Democrat failures under Obama.
But Louisiana is still suffering because of Governor Edwards’ failed tax and spend liberal policies.
The President has already demonstrated how we can turn this around. We will follow his example so that Louisiana can finally start winning again.
Thank you for your support. We will always stand behind our President and we will always put Louisiana families first.
God Bless,
Dr. Ralph Abraham