By Casey Watson, Baptist Global Response Staff Writer
The Southern Baptist disaster relief and community development organization recently launched its first GoatFundMe Campaign, which encourages supporters to donate enough money to purchase 1,000 goats for people in need around the world. One goat costs roughly $75, so the organization has set a $75,000 goal for this campaign.
CEO Jeff Palmer says GoatFundMe is particularly effective because it focuses on one, very useful animal to help improve life for a multitude of families.
“Goats can produce healthy, nutritious milk for families, and in most cases, their milk is even recommended over cow’s milk because of its favorable protein composition,” he says. “Goats not only produce milk but they can also produce meat for the family as well as extra income through the selling of their offspring. Moreover, they are easy to raise, take up very little land area and are, for the most part, a hardy animal that can survive in a variety of climates.”
BGR is encouraging entire churches to get involved in GoatFundMe and to donate as many animals as possible. The organization has published downloadable resources online to help individuals and congregations raise support for goat projects. These materials include two games, a list of fundraising ideas, a plan for a goat-themed youth event, and more. Those interested can visit the GoatFundMe website to learn more or donate.