By LCNews
PINEVILLE (LCNEWS) – Acclaimed speaker, author and church planter D.A. Horton will lead Louisiana College’s campus revival March 6-8.
“We are blessed and honored to have someone of DA Horton’s caliber to lead our revival,” said LC President Rick Brewer. “He is thoroughly prepared academically, theologically and culturally. D.A. is known for his relatable communication skills and passion for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are praying for D.A. and our LC family, as we also pray that God will light the fires of revival on this campus.”
Revival services will be held in Martin Performing Arts Center and will begin promptly at 11 a.m. Church groups and the general public is encouraged to attend.
Horton serves as Pastor of Reach Fellowship a church plant in North Long Beach, CA & as Chief Evangelist for the Urban Youth Workers Institute (UYWI). Prior to his current roles, he served as an urban church planter/pastor in Kansas City, Missouiri; a National Coordinator of Urban Student Ministries at the North American Mission Board (NAMB) and the Executive Director at ReachLife Ministries, the non-profit ministry of Reach Records.
Horton earned his B.S. in Biblical Studies from Calvary Bible College, his Masters in Christian Studies from Calvary Theological Seminary, and is currently working on his Ph.D. in Applied Theology with a North American Missions emphasis at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
He has authored three books; G.O.S.P.E.L., DNA: Foundations of the Faith (published through Moody Publishers) and Bound to Be Free: Escaping Performance to be Captured by Grace, (published through NavPress). He and his wife of 15 years Elicia just co-authored a book on marriage Enter the Ring.
The couple has two daughters, Izabelle and Lola, and one son, D.A. Jr. (aka Duce)
To access a video of one of Horton’s sermons, click the link: