By Will Hall, Message Editor
MINSK, Belarus (LBM)—The Good and Evil Illustrated Bible is changing Belarus, according to Andrew Ryzhkov, founder of the Byelorussian Mission in-country ministry.
After the most recent mission trip by Louisiana Baptists to this former republic of the Soviet Union, Ryzhkov shared that this picture Bible continues to have exceptional influence on his countrymen.
“Four out of every 10 people who receive one of these Bibles end up repenting and turning their lives over to Christ!” he told the Baptist Message. Moreover, such evangelistic success comes at a price of only $10 per copy of this Bible version.
The news of the impact of this illustrated Bible comes amid the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Bible being translated into the Belarusian vernacular. Yet, despite this historical milestone, demographic information shows that more than 41 percent of Belarusians identify as agnostics or atheists, and even more are nominal in their religious affiliations.
Louisiana Baptists have been actively engaged in evangelizing Belarus since 2014, helping to establish local churches, complete construction projects and conduct training of pastors and lay people.
Wayne Sheppard, partnership missions director for Louisiana Baptists, said an International Mission Board representative had described “an openness” in Belarus that he witnessed first-hand when he visited the country in 2016.
“There is a great receptivity and a great openness; and we Louisiana Baptists have the special privilege of partnering with Belarus’ pastors to start churches and reach people for the Lord.”
Moreover, he touted the distribution of the Good and Evil Illustrated Bible as one of the most successful evangelism approaches for reaching the Byelorussian people.
Ryzhkov agreed, calling these special copies of God’s Word “an important tool in evangelizing Belarus.”
“You can see how important it is to give them a free copy of their own. They are eager to reach out their arms to get a Bible!”
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