ALEXANDRIA (LBM) – Messengers attending the LBC Annual Meeting in Baton Rouge will have the opportunity to support GOLA missions and avoid Baton Rouge rush hour traffic when the Annual Meeting convenes Monday, Nov. 13, at Istrouma Baptist Church.
“With the notorious traffic in Baton Rouge, we’re offering messengers the opportunity to receive free meal tickets or purchase them onsite,” said John Kyle, Director of Communications for Louisiana Baptists. “This enables them to stay on campus, enjoy a good meal, support BCM summer missions (also known as GOLA Missions), and avoid rush hour traffic. You could call this a win, win – win!”
Free meal tickets can be obtained by visiting one of the state mission services booths Monday afternoon. Booths offering the free meal tickets include the Evangelism and Church Growth Team and the Communications Team, both of which will be located in the foyer of the main worship center. Missions and Ministries, Pastoral Leadership, Collegiate Ministries and Cast the Net Partnership Missions will be located in the Bain building next to the worship center.
Supplies of the free meal tickets are limited and must be secured in person.
Messengers unable to visit the booths can purchase tickets onsite for $7.50 each. Menu includes smoked pork or chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, dessert and a water bottle. The meal will be prepared by BCM staff from across the state.
“The Annual Meeting is like a family reunion of sorts,” said Kyle. “I encourage all Louisiana Baptists to attend and discover how God is using our cooperative efforts across the state and beyond.”