By Norm Miller, Louisiana College Communications
PINEVILLE (LCNews) – Louisiana College’s annual faculty/staff workshop features nationally known experts in their respective fields, who will lead several plenary, and breakout sessions Aug. 17 and 18.
The Aug. 17 sessions include Dr. Peter Beck, associate professor of Christian Studies at Charleston Southern University (CSU). Beck’s topic, “Integrating Faith and Learning and Then Some,” posits that Christian colleges “exist to extend the Kingdom of God beyond the church into every area of life.”
Beck notes that Christian educators “are called to integrate faith in every area of our lives,” and that includes the relationship between Christ and campus.
The director of the Honors Program at CSU, Beck — whose theological writings have been published broadly — received the 2013 Excellence in Teaching Award from the South Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities.
“Globalizing a Liberal Arts Faculty and Staff and Then Some” is Dr. Carolyn Bishop’s topic. She will explore how faculty and administrators can partner through the Consortium for Global Education (CGE), where she is president, to build their departments or programs, enhance courses, and find meaningful and mutual beneficial partners overseas.
CGE supports international education efforts by partnering with more than 300 overseas institutions within 80 countries.
Bishop completed her Ph.D. at Emory University in Educational Leadership and Supervision after receiving her M.Ed. at Clemson and undergraduate degree from Furman University.
Mr. David Bishop, director of CGE’s AmeriStudy program, will tell how recruiting international students adds value to both the student body and campus life.
Bishop has more than 30 years of international leadership and management experience in both business and non-profit organizations. He holds a Master’s in Management from Georgia State University.
Breakout sessions on Tuesday feature several topics.
Led by Dr. Terry McConathy – vice president for Academic Affairs, Louisiana Tech University — “A Map for Success: Institutional Effectiveness” will interest faculty as it provides an overview of student learning outcomes and the role they play in creating successful learning environments.
Active in the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges for more than 10 years,
McConathy has chaired committees for substantive change and reaffirmation for 10 years, and serves as the accreditation liaison for her institution.
*Dr. Linda Bone, professor of Education, Charleston Southern University will convene a session with the topic, “Lean In from the Lecture: Strategies for Student Engagement in the College Classroom.” *
Noting that today’s college student “struggles with critical thinking, attentional issues, and multiple distractions from social media,” Bone will offer 10 strategies to make learning prove vibrant and personalized. From “flipped classrooms,” to “think, pair, share,” to “brain ball toss,” faculty will learn to “lean in” from the lecture to make their classes, across all disciplines, more engaging.
Bone is a tenured professor of education at CSU and earned her Ed.D. at the University of South Carolina in Curriculum and Instruction. She has written more than 30 books in the fields of curriculum and assessment, including her most recent: “Brain Tips” and “Bibliotherapy.” She has delivered keynotes and workshops in 38 states through her consulting firm, Education InSite, and is the creator of the radio program “Prayerful Parenting.”
Beck returns on Tuesday to talk about one of LC’s great distinctives: the integration of faith and learning at every level. “That is a wonderful proposition,” he noted. “It separates us from many of the colleges and universities competing for the minds and money of the next generation.”
Dr. Carolyn Bishop will talk about “Engagement from Your Course to a Global Classroom.” This session will detail how to engage international studies, find a university or location overseas with an academic and cultural match, set faculty-led study trips for students emerging from the classroom, and more.
“With such articulate and successful educational leaders on our campus, our faculty will benefit almost beyond measure,” said Dr. Rick Brewer, president of LC. “Our 3Rs of relevant, relational and rigorous will permeate our guests’ lectures. I am elated that they will be sharing their information and experiences with us. We will be challenged, and we will be changed by what we learn.”
Faculty and staff will be interested to hear updates from several campus offices, including the Registrar, Admissions, Institutional Advancement, and Information Technology.
Staff breakout sessions will cover “Business Affairs,” “Professionalism Matters,” and “Maneuvering Jenzabar and Other Communications.”
*NOTE: Dr. Brewer believes the session with Dr. Linda Kargis-Bone — “Lean In from the Lecture: Strategies for Student Engagement in the College Classroom” — will share innovative teaching methods applicable to all educational levels and delivery systems. Her credentials and experience will be of interest to all educators. The session is on Tuesday, 8.45 – 9.45, Alexandria Hall, room 327.